You & Your Money: Pricing for Profitability

Coming up this week - our monthly feature on You and Your Money! This time we're breaking down pricing for profitability, discussing mistakes and misconceptions, costs to consider, competitive pricing and more. Our guest co-host Head of Post-funding, Leo Rolle, is joined by Head of Pre-funding, Kenron Braynen and Business Analyst, Alicia Murphy. Check out […]

#AskAnAdvisor 1: Access Accelerator

Virtual: Trainer Central

Throughout the S.E.T. series, every Thursday we host the mentorship component where participants will learn from our team members and industry experts via live #AskAnAdvisor sessions. This week, we're talking all things ACCESS ACCELERATOR with the Client Advisory Services department. Tune into this interactive setting as we open the floor for questions about the organization, […]

#AskAnAdvisor 2: Every Entrepreneur Needs a Mentor

Virtual: Trainer Central

Throughout the S.E.T. series, every Thursday we host the mentorship component where participants will learn from our team members and industry experts via live #AskAnAdvisor sessions. This week, we're talking about the importance of guidance in business with the topic Every Entrepreneur Needs a Mentor with . Tune into this interactive setting as we open […]

#AskAnAdvisor 3

Virtual: Trainer Central

Throughout the S.E.T. series, every Thursday we host the mentorship component where participants will learn from our team members and industry experts via live #AskAnAdvisor sessions. Tune into this interactive setting as we open the floor for questions about the organization, process and more. This event is open to ALL interested persons on ALL islands. […]